Let’s get you started onto the path of optimal health.

Now accepting new patients!

Schedule a ConsultationFrequently asked questions

What to expect from your first visit:

  • Complimentary Consultation


    At Precision Chiropractic, a consultation is a conversation; not an examination and certainly not a high-pressure sales pitch.

    Our goal is to help you reach your goals. We set aside 15 minutes to go over our process and your goals and make sure that you are a right fit for our practice. This can be done in the office, on the phone, or over a video conference in the comfort of your own home. We want to make the process as comfortable for you as possible.

    We will provide you with an overview of chiropractic, and then explain how our focus – Structural Correction – is quite different than traditional chiropractic. Most importantly, we’ll determine if this can be the solution you’ve been searching for to achieve optimal health.

    Once again, there is no charge for our consultation, and there will be no high-pressure sales gimmicks.

  • Your Personalized Examination


    After the complimentary consultation, if we believe we can help you and you feel comfortable with our office, then we would go over the charges for the examination and proceed with a comprehensive structural examination. Unlike other chiropractic offices that might just do a quick check, we spend time doing a thorough examination consisting of:

    • Digital Structural Radiographs
    • Digital Structural Analysis
    • Structural Distribution Test
    • Structural Motion Analysis
    • NeuroBalance Analysis
    • NeuroStrength Analysis
    • Autonomic Operating System Assessment
    • Manual Palpation Analysis

    After the examination, if a structural shift has been confirmed, a follow up conference to review the results will be scheduled. Dr. Westheimer will discuss the nature of your specific structural shift, care options, and deliver your first structural correction.

  • Determining Treatment Options


    There are a wide variety of treatment options offered by medical and alternative medicine practitioners. 

    Most doctors are focused on pain and symptom management, and they usually do an excellent job. 

    The first type of treatment would focus on medication, supplements, or supports which can turn off pain receptors. The next step would be different forms of physical therapy that would be used to strengthen muscular weakness and reduce spasm or soft tissue contractures. Injection programs would then be introduced if these things were still not helping. When those don’t work, more invasive procedures such as surgery would come into play.

    All of these treatment options are effective in the appropriate time and place and are geared towards different goals. Our goal is to restore the neural and structural integrity of your spine.

    We have built excellent relationships with the best health care providers in the community. If during the consultation, we find that Precision Chiropractic is not right for you, we will make sure to find the best practitioner that can adequately address your specific condition.

I have been having severe neck, shoulder, and arm pain since 2010. I often went for massage and reflexology but they did not help. Then I went for an x-ray and was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis. I depended heavily on painkillers. I was told to go for therapy but the pain became worse. Most of the time the pain was so bad the only thing I could do was lie in bed.

My friend brought me to see Dr Matthew. After 10 sessions, I felt very much relieved. I was back to my usual routine – housework, teaching. I could cook, mop the floor, and do most housework without any strains. Now, after 35 sessions, I feel fully recovered.

Thank you Dr Matthew for all the care and concern.

– Jaya

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to correct my problem?

Great question. The reality is that everyone is different and all of our recommendations are customized for each individual and their unique situation. If the patient is a child with minimal problems, it might only take a few weeks to correct the problem. If the patient is a 56 year old with a history of multiple car accidents and spinal degeneration, it is going to take much longer. We will discuss everything with you in detail and communicate exactly how long we thing it is going to take before you have to make a decision about continuing with chiropractic care.

Do I have to commit to a long term contract?

No. As a practice focusing on structural correction, we will communicate exactly what you need and how long it is going to take for you to accomplish the outcome you are looking for. You can pay per visit or do a program of correction which helps to reduce the investment, but you are never bound by any contracts or forced into long term commitments.

How will I know if it will work or not?

Simple. We will tell you. Structural correction is not right for everyone and every single problem. We do not believe we can cure everything under the sun. If after a comprehensive examination we believe we can help you, we will tell you. If we feel that you are better suited with a different approach, we will help you find the healthcare provider that is right for you.

I have tried chiropractic care before and it did not work. How will this be different?

As a chiropractic practice specializing in structural correction, we have seen a lot of people who have tried conventional chiropractic care with minimal results. Where conventional chiropractors do a basic assessment and general manipulations that might provide some temporary relief, we do a very comprehensive examination and specific spinal corrections to get to the cause of your problem. All of our care is detailed and personalized to your individual needs.

Schedule a complimentary consultation

We will always start with a complimentary consultation so that we can learn about your condition and so you can learn about our unique style of Structural Correction and how it can have a significant impact on your life and overall health.

  • North Carolina’s premier Structural Chiropractor
  • Elite customer service
  • Complimentary consultation
  • Community health & wellness resource

(980) 202-2890

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